LCC Research Project – Glyph Design
This was a project I undertook during my time at The London College of Communication. Although the unit itself was called 'Type Design' we were required just to develop a set of 12 glyphs.
The brief involved selecting 12 closely related objects and record these in the form of 12 photographs. We were then required to draw the photographs in line and/or tone. Refine at least nine of the drawings to iconic pictograms, from this identify the key geometry and create a final set of functioning glyphs.
My initial research involved a visit to the Imperial War Museum where I photographed a large number of items on display. My preliminary selections were deemed to be too open, just focusing on general items associated with conflict. It was suggested that I have a much tighter emphasis so I decided to look just at the the most recent Iraq conflict. Rather than pass social commentary I thought it would be interesting to look at images (via the filter of the media) and how they have achieved iconic status, images such as the toppling of the Saddam statue or the hooded prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison.
I used the subject matter to influence the style of the final presentation. The final glyphs were presented in a sealed box complete with dog tags & individual badge packs (badges being often used as symbol of either support or in this case protest) alongside research documents presented in a similar style.
The brief involved selecting 12 closely related objects and record these in the form of 12 photographs. We were then required to draw the photographs in line and/or tone. Refine at least nine of the drawings to iconic pictograms, from this identify the key geometry and create a final set of functioning glyphs.
My initial research involved a visit to the Imperial War Museum where I photographed a large number of items on display. My preliminary selections were deemed to be too open, just focusing on general items associated with conflict. It was suggested that I have a much tighter emphasis so I decided to look just at the the most recent Iraq conflict. Rather than pass social commentary I thought it would be interesting to look at images (via the filter of the media) and how they have achieved iconic status, images such as the toppling of the Saddam statue or the hooded prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison.
I used the subject matter to influence the style of the final presentation. The final glyphs were presented in a sealed box complete with dog tags & individual badge packs (badges being often used as symbol of either support or in this case protest) alongside research documents presented in a similar style.