This is a music based project encompassing a podcast & record label. The Shock World Service Podcast is a project started as a reaction to the death of the mixtape & the numerous mp3 mixes I was being sent without artwork, tracklisting or any real concept. The very nature & ubuiqity of them further depleted their value.
I created a monthly (theoretically) show where myself or the guest would curate around an hour of music for which they would also provide track notes - a little about each track & why they picked it.
Simulteanously I was also very interested in the relationship between what we listen to on headphones & the sonic minutea that goes on around us daily. This is was especially apparent in a city like London where the rumble of traffic or the screech of a tube breaking reguraly overtakes the music, something that was more apparent in my first year in London that it is now that i've become used to it (indicating the brain learns to tune it out)
From early on I decided to intergrate this into the podcasts; recording these sounds & making them part of the mixes themselves.
More to follow....
From early on I decided to intergrate this into the podcasts; recording these sounds & making them part of the mixes themselves.
More to follow....